8/13/23 - the work begins... website offically started :3


hello! my name is chimera and this is my little corner of the internet :P.
i use he/she pronouns & i go by a LOT of names and you can read 'em all here :3
this is page is just for... whatever. blogging about me ~

i'm 16, black + asian, genderqueer nonhuman boygirl creature robot thing.
i'm insane (audhd + osdd) and chronically online !!!!!! i love the internet.

adding onto the osdd thing, i am a part of a system :3 we call ourselves the dialup system or the dial collective. we're a quoigenic system of about 20-ish members, but only around 5 of us are active online. i am not the host (that would be jericho!)
read the rest of our profiles here !!

my identity is complicated and i'll go into more detail here but here are the basics;
i am nonhuman (otherkin + therian + fictkin + WHATEVER.)
i am multigender!! (bigender + xenogender + kinda agender too if you squint?? don't ask.)
i am bisexual and lithoromantic (as well as generally aspec typically.)
finally i am a PUNK LEFTIST !!!!! i am an ancom but lean more communist. i talk politics a lot in my blog :3

uuuuh yeah!!! that's me !!! if i think of anything else i'll add it here. but that's pretty much it.
anywayz i love you and thank you for reading. BE CRINGE AND BE FREE !!!!!!


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something else

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about me

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat... more?


linkage linkage linkage linkage
i can't code for shit. designed by joespace.